
Q - Is it possible to adopt a child from your orphanage homes?

A - Not at this time. We do not have an agency set up to process the required documents for an adoption program.  It has not been a high priority since we are wanting the children to remain in their country and make a difference in their community after leaving the home.

Q - Can we go work and stay in the homes for a season?

A - No. We don’t allow anyone whom we do not know, or travel with, to go to the homes. No parent would allow a complete stranger to stay in their home around their children. We are no different. And our house parents have enough to do with caring for the children.  The last thing they need is to take on one or two more people to cook and clean up after.

Q - Why do you go into developing countries to start orphanages, why not have one in the U.S. – there are lots of children hungry in our own country?

A - We do support programs in the U.S. for hungry children. Every paycheck we earn has a certain amount taken out for welfare and social programs for the children of the U.S. Furthermore, because of government regulations it would take 26 times more money each month to operate one orphanage in the U.S. than four in a developing country. Just the payroll for social workers alone would be far more than it takes to operate six homes in a developing country. The countries of the Philippines and Nepal don’t have a workable welfare program to provide the very basics for these children.

Q - How do you know the money you send is getting to the children and not going into the pockets of the overseers?

A - We’re glad you asked. On a monthly basis we are sent receipts for every penny that is spent. We have received receipts for things such as a .25¢ massage for a cold, .30¢ for firewood, .15¢ for a school tablet.  Nothing is left to the honor system.  Our house parents have been in partnership with us since 1990 and in the 27 years of operation we have never had to question the validity of an expense.  The overseers are the house parents and they care very much for the children.  They report to us monthly on the expenses and funds remaining.

Q - Why don’t you live there and care for the children yourselves?

A - At the present time we work regular jobs here in the U.S. and visit often.  In the near future we hope to live in the Philippines part of the year. This will enable us to do more ministry work among children and to travel to Nepal quickly and more often.

Q - What kind of education do the children receive?

A - All of our children are required to attend school if they want to remain in the home. We want them to get the best possible education available. The children attend public school, which require uniforms and school supplies. Believe it or not, these are the basic requirements that keep many children OUT of school.  After graduating from high school they have their choice of going on to technical school, college, bible school or secretarial and office assistant courses.  All of the children who have left our homes after taking these courses now have jobs and are a productive citizens in their community. We are extremely proud and
gratified by this!